As the year folding in I thought it might be a good time to put together a thesis that could potentially help close some open loops in my mind, and some drafts I wrote throughout the year. Though no guarantees this end goal will be served, this is low-key my third trial for this thesis.
After possibly 10k words written, I always thought I was still not successful putting together a version that I’d like to read many years from now. This is a thesis about how the world looks like, in my mind. Not a big deal, but I was thinking if I can’t let a day slip by without questioning everything, what’s real and what’s not, then may be it helps if I have some solid thesis about what I do think is real, then may be try build upon it, and may be things will start getting easier from there. A point where I can proceed with normal life, caring about health, happiness, and work – Does this make sense?
I think it was August 10th around 9 o’clock in the pm, when I was sitting with my mother in open air sipping coffee, she was asking about the reason of the hype behind the Barbie-Oppenheimer situation. Both movies were weird, each in its own sense, and I think her question was fairly plausible. I remember -and I don’t know why- while answering this simple question, I kind of blew up. I talked briefly about some opinions I read about both movies, then I kept nagging about how they’re just two small dots on the never-ending line of lies and brainwash, something is obviously quite suspicious going on. I don’t remember everything I said but I was raged at the state of everything. Not that I should’ve though, in hindsight. My main frustration was not just about how these 2 movies were cleverly and timely planted to promote specific ideas and complement one another, but rather due to the rise of the practices of General Systematic Brainwash.
The way I said this -capitalized & all- makes it feel like a program, is it though? Is it THE “General Systematic Brainwash” program? Or are these brainwashing events we randomly talk about just outliers? Because if they’re just outliers, then may be we have nothing to worry about – But this forces another question: how many subsequent -or not subsequent- events can we keep calling “outliers” until the point where none of them is an outlier? Also, and most importantly, is it actually a “rise”? 😅 Or was it just the same since the beginning, and may be my attention to some topics as of lately has been on the rise? Because our experiences & perspectives of some certain things could make the world “feel like” a different place all of a sudden, when in fact it might have been the same place since the beginning.
My blow-up was due to a build-up of events. Events that I interpreted based on my newer worldviews. Which up to this point I had lots of accumulation in my mind. All of which directly or indirectly revolve around a question:
The topic of mind control is elaborate and multifaceted. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming, and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding it is not ideal either since our only chance of surviving this hideous enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of us, is to understand how it functions and take steps to reduce vulnerability.
Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. I don't think it is possible to change that which often cannot be detected. I do know that the first step to initiate change is to generate interest. This could probably be considered some underground effort towards the goal of being more independent, detoxed, and self-sufficient.
Mind you that the article’s headline is the last one on the set, so in order to discuss how to break free, we’ll have to go through each of the questions above it, though their specific order is not important. The thesis in this sense becomes a thorough investigation that incomprehensively tries to answer each of these questions, and try articulate an understanding that is often so hard to put in words.
Mixed feelings and multiple interpretations about this word “Rise”. Because it makes me cringe at past versions of myself. I say “this year I’m different” at the end of every year. I think I’m fine with that, it’s called growing up. But each year you become a slightly better version that is also slightly more unable to process how far you’ve come. And because you’re unable to do it, you always like to think “you’re there”. Of course, right? For sure your peers haven’t read the same books, or put in the same work, or lived the same experiences, for sure there has to be some sort of an edge, right?