
If you come along as someone who just doesn't care and does what he does, being himself, that's the most considerable form of human the world gets to accept especially if what you're doing is different and can stand out.

You hurt your luck by being an imposter, don't put any emphasis on why you do what you do or what privilege or advantage you had to earn to talk. The world doesn't owe you anything and if you can always keep that at the back of your head, you will do fine. Even the drawbacks that may come from this are all curable.

Just know that the world's best achievers didn't doubt themselves, and came along as bullish, ready to do their own thing without any expectations from the crowd. On the other side, if you're doing everything right but you're extremely modest and seem to value every feedback, it can in many ways straight out repel some from you even if you're doing well & right by everyone.

It's something about the most confident people that makes everybody want to get along with them and know more about them, even be like them. That kind of status can't co-exist with being so modest at all times. I think at the core, they don't just trust their abilities, I think they don't really give a fuck. They get to a point where they know exactly they're no joke and that even if stuff didn't go down the route of their luck, they have what backs up an abundance of it, luck will almost most certainly come again, so why think about it when you can just be chill.

There are lots of examples of people that are so modest that they are boring. I am not saying you shouldn't be humble, but being extremely modest at all times will not play in your favor. I feel it's like an aura, whether attract or repel.

Lots of times you might think "What I’m saying sounds really obvious" when you're talking to people, yet it comes off as genuinely amazing to them.

You often consume knowledge that is new to you, then you internalize it until it's so obvious to you that you forget it's still not obvious to somebody else. You struggle to see how this can be game-changing for them, but often game-changing insights don't come from experts, they come from those who are just one step ahead. So just talk what you know, without thinking too much about it.


‍Imposter syndrome will always exist, we have to learn to manage and deal with it anyway. If you feel like you know about something but aren’t qualified enough to talk about it, that's when you should talk about it. Uncomfortable emotions won't just disappear but you can channel them in your favor for a better cause.